
Terraform Setup

Install local dependencies:

brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform terraform-docs tflint
brew install --cask google-cloud-sdk

Login to GCP:

gcloud auth application-default login

Configure default app:

gcloud config set project $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID

Initialize Terraform:

Also updates the providers which probably doesn’t hurt.

terraform init -backend-config="bucket=terraform-state-${FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID}" -upgrade

[!NOTE] Variables are not allowed in the backup config, so we need to add the config manually.

Terraform Backend GCP Bucket Creation

[!NOTE] This only needs to happen once per project and is not part of general developer setup

gcloud storage buckets create gs://terraform-state-$FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID \
  --project=${FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID} --location=us-central1
gcloud storage buckets update gs://terraform-state-$FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID --versioning
gcloud storage buckets update gs://terraform-state-$FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID --soft-delete-duration=28d
gcloud storage buckets update gs://terraform-state-$FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID --lifecycle-file=.backup-lifecycle-config.json

[!WARNING] The bucket cannot be created until the Project has been assigned a billing account. So there is an order of operations conflict that was manually resolved while generating this documentation.