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The new email address * must be verified by clicking a link and applying an oobCode before it actually updates. */ @Component({ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, imports: [ AsyncPipe, AuthErrorMessagesComponent, ReactiveFormsModule, SpinnerComponent, ], selector: 'app-change-email', templateUrl: './change-email.component.html', }) export class ChangeEmailComponent { /** Errors specific to the first new email field. */ public readonly $email1CntrlErrors: Signal<ValidationErrors | undefined>; /** Aria-invalid attribute for the first new email field. */ public readonly $email1CntrlInvalid: Signal<boolean>; /** Errors specific to the second new email field. */ public readonly $email2CntrlErrors: Signal<ValidationErrors | undefined>; /** Aria-invalid attribute for the second new email field. */ public readonly $email2CntrlInvalid: Signal<boolean>; /** Firebase response error code. */ public readonly $errorCode: WritableSignal<string>; /** Aria-invalid attribute for the form validation. */ public readonly $formEmailsInvalid: Signal<boolean>; /** Errors specific to the current password field. */ public readonly $passwordCntrlErrors: Signal<ValidationErrors | undefined>; /** Aria-invalid attribute for the current password field. */ public readonly $passwordCntrlInvalid: Signal<boolean>; /** Cycles through the process of sending a verification email to set the new email address for the User. */ public readonly $verificationStatus: WritableSignal<SendVerifyEmailStatuses>; public readonly changeEmailForm: ChangeEmailFormGroup; public readonly email1Cntrl: FormControl<string | null>; public readonly email2Cntrl: FormControl<string | null>; /** Used in error message for password maximum length. */ public readonly maxPasswordLength: number = PASSWORDS.maxLength; /** Used in error message for password minimum length. */ public readonly minPasswordLength: number = PASSWORDS.minLength; public readonly passwordCntrl: FormControl<string | null>; public readonly user$: MaybeUser$; constructor() { ({ $errors: this.$email1CntrlErrors, $invalid: this.$email1CntrlInvalid, control: this.email1Cntrl } = createEmailControl()); ({ $errors: this.$email2CntrlErrors, $invalid: this.$email2CntrlInvalid, control: this.email2Cntrl } = createEmailControl()); ({ $errors: this.$passwordCntrlErrors, $invalid: this.$passwordCntrlInvalid, control: this.passwordCntrl } = createPasswordControl()); this.changeEmailForm = new FormGroup( { email1: this.email1Cntrl, email2: this.email2Cntrl, password: this.passwordCntrl, }, confirmMatch('email1', 'email2'), ); this.$formEmailsInvalid = confirmMatchFormErrors(this.changeEmailForm, this.email1Cntrl, this.email2Cntrl); this.$errorCode = signal<string>(''); this.$verificationStatus = signal<SendVerifyEmailStatuses>('unsent'); // Not handling non-logged in users because the Route guards should. this.user$ = inject(USER$); } /** * Re-authenticates the current user using the submitted password then sends an email to the new * address to confirm ownership. Clicking the link in the email will apply the oobCode using * VerifyEmailComponent. */ public async onSubmit(user: User): Promise<void> { const { email1, password } = this.changeEmailForm.value; // Validators prevent email1 or password being falsy, but TypeScript doesn't know that. // Additionally, all users are expected to have an email address. if (this.changeEmailForm.invalid || !email1 || !password || ! { throw new Error('Invalid form submitted'); } this.$errorCode.set(''); // Clear out any existing errors this.$verificationStatus.set('sending'); try { const emailCreds = EmailAuthProvider.credential(, password); const credentials = await reauthenticateWithCredential(user, emailCreds); await verifyBeforeUpdateEmail(credentials.user, email1); this.$verificationStatus.set('sent'); } catch (err: unknown) { const code = getErrorCode(err); this.$errorCode.set(code); this.$verificationStatus.set('unsent'); } } } |